5 Reasons to Choose Hardwood Flooring for Your Home

Hardwood flooring in Manhattan NY has been around since the 16th century and its popularity has never wavered. It’s no wonder; hardwood flooring adds elegance and class to any room, regardless of what type of home you have, whether it’s new or old, small or large. If you’re thinking about installing hardwood flooring, read on to learn more about why it’s such a great choice and how you can install it in your home yourself with minimum effort and maximum style.

1) Cost

The long-term durability of hardwood is worth paying more for. Whereas other types of flooring will have to be replaced every 10–15 years, hardwood flooring has a lifespan of 50+ years. Over time, you can save up to $1,500 by choosing hardwood flooring over laminate or carpet tile. Plus, you’ll never have to replace your floor again! You may also qualify for tax deductions when purchasing new hardwood floors. As with any major purchase, check with your accountant first before claiming a deduction on taxes.

Also, there are many financing options available that offer 0% interest rates and low monthly payments; these plans allow you to spread out your payments over an extended period of time and make it easier to budget accordingly. However, if financing isn’t in your budget at all, no worries—you can buy hardwood floors outright at many retailers (usually in 12-foot planks) so that you only pay once and get exactly what you want.

2) Customization

One of hardwood flooring’s greatest benefits is its versatility. Many floors can be painted or stained to match your décor, and customized levels of gloss and sheen can be achieved, too. This makes hardwood a great option for renters and those who want an easy way to change their decor often without doing any major renovations. It also provides more room for experimentation than other types of flooring. If you don’t like how it looks in one room, you can simply move it to another—or paint over it!—without having to rip up and replace it entirely.

3) Durability

It is a fact that hardwood floors last longer than carpet or tile. They can withstand heavy foot traffic, sunlight, and changes in temperature. Because of their durability, hardwoods are also a better investment than carpet or tile because you will not have to replace them nearly as often. If you invest in high-quality hardwoods they may never need replacing! But even if they do need replacing eventually, it won’t be nearly as expensive as your budget would suggest with other types of flooring.

4) Versatility

Certain hardwoods—like cherry, oak, walnut, and mahogany—are very versatile. They can add a touch of elegance to more modern spaces but they also look great in traditional rooms. The color of these types of wood tends to be consistent throughout their lifespan, meaning that you won’t have to worry about them getting darker or lighter over time. In addition, they are highly resistant to scratches and scuffs, which makes them ideal for families with children or pets. Many varieties will last up to 50 years without requiring any kind of refinishing.

After choosing your flooring material and style, you may want to think about using a layer of underlayment underneath it. This is especially important if your floors tend to get cold in winter or hot in summer; installing an underlayment will provide insulation between your floors and your subflooring (such as concrete) so that temperatures don’t fluctuate as much.

5) Eco-Friendly

Wood floors can also be more eco-friendly than other types of flooring. As a renewable resource, wood is a great choice for homeowners who are committed to reducing their environmental footprint. Wood is also biodegradable and does not off-gas chemicals into your home like many other flooring materials do. Plus, adding wood flooring can have a significant impact on indoor air quality in your home, helping you breathe better and feel better in your living space.

Important links

Interior Renovation New City NY

Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Long Island NY

Custom Kitchen Cabinets Brooklyn NY

Interior Painting Queens NY

Hardwood Flooring Manhattan NY


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